How to pay IRS Form 2290 tax online?

Getting stressed by manually filling out Form 2290 HVUT and paying taxes? If your answer is “Yes”, then IRS has provided the filers easy and convenient process. You can file your HVUT returns and pay Form 2290 tax to the IRS online. IRS instructs every trucker to file HVUT returns and pay HVUT on-time for every tax year to avoid penalties.

Getting tensed to file taxes online? We have provided the truckers how to pay IRS Form 2290 tax online. We’ll let you know about IRS Form 2290 tax, circumstances to pay HVUT, and calculation of HVUT online.

irs form 2290 tax online

What is an IRS Form 2290 tax?

IRS Form 2290 tax is also called as “Heavy Vehicle Use Tax”. HVUT is paid by the truckers who purchase a heavy motor vehicle and use it on public highways. The heavy motor vehicle includes trucks, busses, tractors, machines, etc.

Truckers pay HVUT through Form 2290 to the IRS within the due date of the tax year. According to the IRS, every individual who operates the business or trade using heavy vehicles on public highways needs to pay HVUT.

When do you need to pay HVUT on Form 2290?

Following are the circumstances to pay HVUT using Form 2290:

Operate business using heavy vehicles

When an individual operates business or trade using heavy vehicles for transportation on public highways requires to pay HVUT. For example, Jackson operates his business using heavy machines for farming purpose. Then he is required to pay HVUT for using public highways for transportation.

Purchase or owe a heavy truck weighing 55,000 pounds or more

If an individual person purchases or owe a heavy truck weighing 55,000 pounds or more on purpose of business or trade, required to pay HVUT.

Heavy vehicles exceed mileage limit of 5,000

When the individual’s heavy vehicle crosses mileage limit of 5,000 or more in a tax year, then the person is liable to pay HVUT.

What is an IRS Form 2290 HVUT tax calculator?

Most of the truck owner face the error filing of HVUT taxes manually. To overcome this issue, the IRS introduced tax calculator to calculate HVUT online. With the help of HVUT tax calculator, the individual can easily know how much of tax is required to pay to the IRS for the taxable vehicle. The HVUT is based on the gross weight of the taxable vehicle.

To calculate your truck tax using tax calculator, you require the below details:

  • The tax period of the vehicle.
  • First Used Month of the vehicle.
  • Taxable gross weight of the vehicle.

Form 2290 HVUT online filing process

Processing your HVUT payments online is the easy and secure process. Following measure are adopted in filing Form 2290 online:

  • Identify the best IRS trusted e-file provider to file your HVUT return online.
  • Fill out Form 2290 online by providing business details, EIN, VIN, First Use Month of the Vehicle, Vehicle details.
  • Choose the secure payment method to pay HVUT online.
  • Recheck the information entered in the Form.
  • Submit your HVUT and Form 2290 to the IRS by paying processing fee.
  • Receive your IRS water marked Schedule 1 within minutes to the registered email address.

Methods to pay Form 2290 tax

The three methods to pay the IRS HVUT are:

Electronic Funds Withdrawal

Filing Form 2290 electronically can be processed through paying HVUT through direct debit. You can pay through checking/savings account by providing the bank account and routing number.

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

Before using EFTPS method, the filer needs to enroll in EFTPS. If the filer uses this method, then confirm this option in the e-file provider site and complete the Form 2290 e-file. The payer is responsible to pay the pending HVUT through the EFTPS account.

Check or money order

If you use this method when e-filing Form 2290, then a payment voucher is automatically generated. You can mail the check/money order along with the voucher.

Provisions on paying Form 2290 tax online

Paying Form 2290 tax online is the most common method used in the trucking industry. Given below are the provisions on paying HVUT online are given below:

Easy to fill out

E-filing allows the filers a user-free guidance which helps to fill out HVUT returns quickly. Compared to paper filing Form 2290, e-filing consumes less time. It minimizes error filing and reduces the paper work when filed more than one HVUT returns.

Secure transactions

Online filing is safe and secure process. File your HVUT returns electronically using IRS trusted e-file provider for secure transactions. IRS conducts numerous screening tests to provide authorization. E-filing HVUT returns is secured with 256-bit security encryption.

Less contact with the IRS

Electronic filing reduces the risk of standing in the ques at the nearby IRS offices. It means you’ll be in less contact with the IRS by filing HVUT returns irrespective of place and time. provides you service to pay your HVUT online with easy and simple steps. Login/signup with us and file your HVUT electronically. We have provided you a free tax calculator where you can easily calculate your HVUT taxes online error freely.

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